This file contains "27" custom 3D Color Folder Icons, all of which include the necessary (ICNÕs, ic14Õs, ic18Õs, icsÕs, ics4Õs, ics8Õs and masks) for you to have super looking custom 3D Color Folders on your desktop, even if you choose the small icon view! Without you having to know anything about ResEditª or even have the program.
(Although, ResEditª is a great program, and everyone should learn to use it, but only
on a copy !!!).
Custom 3D Color Folders Icons within the "Application Icons Folder"
4th Dimensionª
Alias Assassinª
BNDL Bangerª
Correct Grammarª
Correct Grammarª Dictionary
Correct Grammarª Data
Engineering Assistantª
First Things Firstª
Informed Designerª
Informed Designerª Forms
Informed Managerª
Informed Managerª Forms
KIWIª Power Windows
System Pickerª
System Switcherª
Custom 3D Color Folders Icons within the "General Icons Folder"
3D Color Folder (Plain 3D Color Folder)
Extremely Urgent
Note Pad
With my new 3D Color Folder format, which are embedded ResEditª files, there is absolutely no need for you to use ResEditª.
No more, why does the blue shadow of my new 3D Color Folder Icons seem to vanish once you "Paste" them into the "Get Info Window" ????
No more, having to be a ResEditª expert to have super looking custom 3D Color Folder on your desktop !!!!
Folder Installation Instruction!
All you have to do to have perfect custom 3D Color Folders.
1) Is to select (single-click) on the custom 3D Color folder you want to copy.
(ie: Do not (double-click) on your selection, ResEditª will open, because they are
embedded ResEditª files).
2) Once you have made your selection, choose "Get Info" from the "File" Menu.
3) Then, select (single-click) on the custom 3D Color folder icon in the "Get Info
Window", and choose "Copy" from the "Edit" Menu.
Once this is done.
4) Select (single-click) on your uncustomized folder you want to paste to.
(ie: Do not (double-click) on your selection, the folder will open).
5) Once you have made your selection, choose "Get Info" from the "File" Menu.
3) Then, select (single-click) on the folder icon in the "Get Info Window", and choose
"Paste" from the "Edit" Menu.
Its that simple, you now have a perfect 3D Color folder, including the correct mask.
Detailed Instructions!
If you would like more detailed instructions on the above procedure, see (page 245) "Changing The Appearance Of Icons" in your "Macintosh Reference" manual that came with your System 7.0 upgrade kit.
More Help!
The only Folders in this file that can be opened as standard Folders when selected (double-clicked), are named the "Application Icons Folder" and "General Icons Folder".
All of the custom 3D Color Folder Icons, within the above named Folders are NOT (double-click-able). Again, they are embedded ResEditª files and therefore if you do (double-click) on them, ResEditª will open, if you have it installed on your hard disk.
Also, there is no big secret to these ResEditª files. (They are just simple ResEditª files, which are embedded with Apple's Custom Icon Resource ID -16455).
Special Thanks!
If you like these folders, the credit for the basic 3D Color Folder and its super design from which I based these folders, should go to Drew Hodgson (DrewH5), on America Online.
Special Request Instruction!
Any E-Mail or special request for custom 3D Color Folders should be sent to: Vernon Brown (VRBrown), on America Online.
Also, any special request for custom 3D Color Folders should be accompanied by the requested progarm's (ICNÕs, ic14Õs, ic18Õs, icsÕs, ics4Õs, ics8Õs) icon resources.
Unfortunately you will need ResEditª or to copy the icon resources from your program (ALWAYS USE A COPY NOT YOUR MASTER!!!) then open a new ResEditª document and paste the icon resources into your newly created ResEditª document, then save your work. (You can then attach and send this small ResEditª file with your E-Mail request). You also could use the program iContraptionª to do the above.
I apologize for the above request, but I can't own every program, even though I would like to, and without the program's icon resources I can't create its custom 3D Color Folder.